DN: ”Music is the new big market”

”What happened to gold or coffee when it became a commodity that could be traded in a market? Did the feeling towards the raw material change? I have a hard time believing that music would lose in the experience value of being traded with.” – Linda Portnoff, CEO Tangy Market

In today’s DN (one of the largest news outlets in Sweden) you can read about the acquisitions of music rights and the recent sales of Swedish House Mafia’s back catalogue to Pophouse.

As one of the expert voices is CEO of Tangy Market, Linda Portnoff. 📣🤓

Three take aways from the article:

  • Music produced in the 70’s or 80’s may sound at least as good today, if not better. Music ages well and that’s one reason why it’s a good long term investment.
  • When buying music rights, it’s the economic right you buy. How to deal with the moral right is more difficult to predict, as it cannot be transferred in the same way as the economic one.
  • In 2021, song catalogs were purchased from composers, artists and estates for approximately SEK 23.6 billion (EUR 2.2 billion).

For our Swedish speakers, read full article here.

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