How to Buy and Sell Shares on Tangy Market

This is how you buy shares:

1. From a ‘NEW’ musical asset When a new musical asset is available on the market it’s marked ’New’ until all shares have sold. ’New’’ shares are available at the initial price of between €0,50 – €4,00.

2. From a ‘TRADING’ musical asset When all ‘New’ shares have sold out, they become ‘Trading’. Now, you’re buying shares from other investors setting their own price. You find the sell orders in the musical asset if you scroll down to the ‘Order Depth’.

This is how you sell shares

Do almost exactly as when you buy shares, just choose the ‘Sell’ button. Have a look at the ‘Order Depth’ to know the current market value and set your own price.

As always, if you have any questions or need some more guidance just email us at or chat with us directly in the app.

Happy investing!

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